What data is provided to the colleges? Export File Guide

Data Fields Collected

StriveScan regularly surveys our colleges about what data is most important to them in their recruitment and how we can most easily deliver that data into their CRMs. We strive to balance a quick and efficient student registration experience with comprehensive data for the colleges collecting it. 

Export File Guide

File Format

All export files are comma-separated values (CSV) files for maximum compatibility. 

Person Type Files

Each type of person your staff collects data about is exported in a different file format with its own columns based on the data we capture about that person type.

We have export guides and details about each file type:

  • USA Student (students with addresses and phone numbers in the United States)
  • Global Student (students with addresses and phone numbers outside the United States)
  • CIS Student (students that attend a Council of International Schools event)
  • Parent (parent, guardian, relative, or supporter of a student) 
  • Professional (counselors, educators, retired, or representatives from a college, CBO, business, etc.)
  • Visit (StriveScan for High School Visits subscription required, USA students) 
  • Academic Interests

File Names

Data for each type of person is sent in a separate CSV file and the file will be named accordingly so can easily identify the type. File Name Convention

For manual exports, if multiple person types are scanned at an event, StriveScan will create a ZIP to store the multiple CSV files.

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