Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication (also called "2FA") adds an important, additional layer of security to your account. It is especially important if your password is ever stolen and one of the best ways to increase the security of your account. 

Pro Tip: We recommend turning on two-factor authentication on all of your accounts, not just for StriveScan.

If you turn on two-factor authentication for StriveScan, logging in will require two things:

  1. Your password, plus
  2. A verification code, sent to you either via a text message or email

Turn on two-factor authentication for your account:

  1. Log into your StriveScan account
  2. On the side menu, under the Account section, select the Two Factor Authentication
  3. Enable Two Factor Authentication: Select Yes
  4. Choose how you would like to receive your verification codes, either via an SMS text message or by email. (Message and data rates may apply for SMS.)
  5. Save
  6. Check your texts or email (whichever method you selected). You will receive an initial verification code. Enter that code to confirm you were able to successfully receive your codes to complete the setup process.
  7. Now each time you log into your StriveScan account (via our website or the StriveScan mobile app), you will be sent a verification code. You will need both your password and the verification code in order to log in.
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