Event Dashboards for Fair Coordinators

StriveScan's Event Dashboards allow fair coordinators and association leaders to easily track the number of registered students in real time leading up to an event. These dashboards also serve as a reporting tool, so that you have analytics to share with school administration (and others) after the event ends.

How To Access Your Dashboard

StriveScan will invite fair coordinators and association leaders to access the dashboard.

All invitation emails come from no-reply@strivescan.com with a prompt to create a StriveScan account and/or access your dashboard.

Where to Find Your Dashboard

  • https://app.strivescan.com/dashboards
  • Log into your StriveScan account
  • Navigate between Upcoming or Past Fairs.
    • All dashboards for your upcoming fairs will be listed and you can view each one separately
    • After a fair has concluded, select "past fairs" on the left-hand side to return to that dashboard
  • If you are also a college representative who has a StriveScan account to scan for your institution, you will have the option to switch between the "Main App" (scanning) and "Dashboards." Click your name in the top right corner to switch.

A Look At Dashboard Sections

  1. Export

You can export a variety of student lists via email. Simply click Email Link next to the report you wish to access and you will receive a secure link to download that file.

Caution: Each export includes all data fields StriveScan collects from the student at the point of registration. There is a significant amount of personal information in the export files and they should be securely stored and shared with only those who have a legitimate need for this full information.

  • Before the Fair
    • Full list of registered students
  • After the Fair
    • Scans (by attendee)
    • Scans (by institution)
    • Connections (by attendee)
    • Connections (by institution)

What are connections?

  • StriveScan's Missed Connections feature allows students, parents, and professionals to connect with colleges and universities after the fair is over.

    If a student couldn’t attend the fair or just didn't see a college's table, they still have the opportunity to express their interest in the institution and to send their information. Students can send Missed Connections to participating institutions at any time after the fair, through a link they receive via text and email.

Printing Barcodes

  1. Share: Invite Your Colleagues

You are welcome to share the dashboard with any collaborators on your team, with counselors who may be sending students to your event, or with any other event stakeholders.

  • Click "Share" in the top right corner
  • Enter the email addresses of those you would like to invite
  • Choose the appropriate permission level: Full Access, School Access, or Overview Access
  • They will receive an invitation to view the dashboard from no-reply@strivescan.com
  • Caution: Anyone you share the dashboard with and give Full Access to will be able to export all registration personal information. You should take this information into careful consideration when deciding appropriate levels of access for new users.
  1. Total Registered

The number of total people registered for a barcode at any given time, broken down by Students, Parents, and Professionals (Counselors). This does not reflect the number of colleges registered for your fair, rather, it is how many professionals are registered to share their information with institutions at the fair.

  1. Total Attended

The number of total people who attended your event. This will populate while the fair is occurring and will reflect the final count when the fair is over. StriveScan considers a registrant to have attended the fair if they have their barcode scanned by at least one institution at the event.

  1. Registered

The number of new registrations that occurred each day leading up to the event.

  1. Fair Activity

A reflection of scanning activity at specific times throughout the event. This is useful when thinking about the timing of future fairs.

  1. Total Registered by Class

The number of students from each grade who are registered. This also includes parent and professional registrations.

  1. Total Attended by Class

How many students from each grade attended the event. This also includes parent and professional attendance. StriveScan considers a registrant to have attended the fair if they have their barcode scanned by at least one institution at the event.

  1. Engagement Per School

See how far your reach is with students registered ahead of the fair and attended after the fair. Toggle between registered and attended above the map.

  1. Schools

Track student registration numbers by the student’s high school. Students select their school from a list provided by the College Board.

  • If you see a school name here that you do not recognize, it may be due to the fact a registrant selected the incorrect school name by accident during their registration.
  • Click “View Details” next to any school to see registrant and attendee data broken down by grade level.

  1. Scans Per Institution

Map of the location of each institution scanning at your fair.

  1. Top Institutions

Which institutions were the most popular at your fair by total scans.

  • Note: If you are viewing this section before the fair begins, be aware that this is not the list of colleges registered for your fair. Data will begin populating here once your event starts.
  • This data may change slightly after the event concludes. If any representatives were scanning offline, their scan data will not be reflected until they sync their scans.
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