Export Automatically via SFTP

StriveScan's Automatic Uploads feature allows institutions the convenience of sending all of your scans directly to your server or CRM. StriveScan uses SSH or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to connect to your destination server and deliver the files. 


  • Admin Users must set up Automatic Uploads and manage SFTP credentials
  • Standard Users can view the configuration and Upload History, but may not make changes
  • Limited Users do not have access to Automatic Uploads

Manage SFTP Credentials

Automatic Uploads are managed via StriveScan's website. 

  • From your account: Automatic Uploads > Manage SFTP Credentials
  • Host (required): The IP address or hostname of the SFTP destination server
  • Port (required): Defaults to Port 22, but can be customized to match your server
  • Username (required) (this should not be your regular Slate login)
  • Password
  • SSH Private Key and Passphrase for Private Key (optional): If you choose to authenticate using a key file, upload the key file
  • Upload Directory (optional): If the account credential you provided have access to multiple directories, you can specify the path to your desired destination directory. You must create this folder on your server first, StriveScan cannot create it.  For example:  incoming/strivescan  
  • Email for Error Notifications (optional, but strongly recommended): Designate an email address to be alerted if a connection fails. StriveScan will automatically retry the next evening. 

Technolutions Slate

If you use Slate, we recommend setting up a Service Account dedicated to StriveScan's automatic uploads.

  • Prerequisites: The following steps must be performed by a user with Slate Security Administrator role permissions.
  • In Slate, create a new Data Integration Service Account for StriveScan to use to connect.
  • Use a separate FTP application to create a new directory folder (see "To create folders:") on your Slate server that matches both the Upload Directory you specify in StriveScan and the Path Restriction you specified in Slate.
    • Slate advises folders must be created using WinSCP, FileZilla, or other SFTP program
    • Slate's SFTP Explorer cannot create new folders.
  • In Slate, add StriveScan's IP addresses (listed below) to the Allowed Networks on the Slate Service Account (Slate advises it may take up to 60 minutes for this to go into effect, so you may need to wait before testing your connection).

Allow StriveScan's IP Addresses

If your destination server requires it, add the following IP addresses to your "allowed list" in order to permit StriveScan to connect to your SFTP host:

In a comma-separated list:,,,,,



If you use Salesforce, refer to their Marketing Cloud SFTP Guide.

  • Add a Marketing Cloud SFTP Account
  • Password Expiration Date: Under most configurations, Salesforce user passwords expire after a set amount of time. If this is the case at your institution, you will need to update your SFTP user account in your StriveScan settings periodically. In your Salesforce security settings allow, SFTP user accounts can be excluded from password expiration, which we recommend.

Other Servers / Authentication

Ensure your server is configured to accept SSH RSA (RSA Legacy) to ensure compatibility.

$ sudo tee /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/legacy.conf <<EOF
HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa

Test Connection

  • After saving your SFTP credentials, we recommend you ensure functionality by pressing the Test Connection button.
  • Then press the Send Test Files button to ensure files can be delivered.
    • Troubleshoot: If you are able to successfully test the connection, but not able to Send Test Files, the issue is likely related to directories. Ensure the directory path you have provided in your StriveScan SFTP Credentials exactly matches the folder structure on your server and that the SFTP account has permission to access and upload there. 

Turning It Off

  • To turn off future Automatic Uploads, press the Clear Credentials button. 

File Delivery

  • Every evening at approximately midnight Central time, StriveScan will batch all data from any college fairs or virtual events from the past 24 hours, across all team members.
  • Files are sent in CSV format. 
  • If no new data is present, nothing will be sent.
  • You may receive more than one CSV file:

Files from Scans:

Export files from Scans will contain the word "Scans," the type of person (USA student, global student, parent, or profession), in addition to the date and time of the export. 

  • Students (USA)
    • Filename: StriveScan-Scans-Export-USA-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Scans-Export-USA*.csv
  • Students (Global):
    • Filename: StriveScan-Scans-Export-GLOBAL-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Scans-Export-GLOBAL*.csv
  • Students (CIS):
    • Filename: StriveScan-Scans-Export-CIS-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Scans-Export-CIS*.csv
  • Parents:
    • Filename: StriveScan-Scans-Export-PARENT-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Scans-Export-PARENT*.csv
  • Professionals
    • Filename: StriveScan-Scans-Export-PROFESSIONAL-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Scans-Export-PROFESSIONAL*.csv

Files from Missed Connections:

Missed Connections is a StriveScan feature that allows any registered student, parent, or counselor to send you their data, even if they did not meet you at the fair and did not scan them

Pro Tip: We strongly recommend you treat data from Missed Connections separately from Scans in order to customize your messaging. You may want to send a different message to people you actually met and scanned, as opposed to Missed Connections who are interested in your institution, but did not get a chance to actually meet or scan.

Export files from Missed Connections will contain the word "Connections" in the file name instead of "Scans" to distinguish them, the type of person (USA student, global student, parent, or profession), in addition to the date and time of the export. 

  • Students (USA):
    • Filename: StriveScan-Connections-Export-USA-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Connections-Export-USA*.csv
  • Students (Global): Missed connections from students from college fairs or virtual events with addresses or phone numbers from outside of the United States.
    • Filename: StriveScan-Connections-Export-GLOBAL-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Connections-Export-GLOBAL*.csv
  • Students (CIS):
    • Filename: StriveScan-Connections-Export-CIS-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Connections-Export-CIS*.csv
  • Parents: Missed connections from parents from college fairs or virtual events.
    • Filename: StriveScan-Connections-Export-PARENT-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Connections-Export-PARENT*.csv
  • Professionals: Missed connections from high school counselors, IECs, CBO leaders, and other educators from college fairs or virtual events.
    • Filename: StriveScan-Connections-Export-PROFESSIONAL-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxm.csv
    • With a wildcard: StriveScan-Connections-Export-PROFESSIONAL*.csv

Files form Visits:

If your institution subscribes to StriveScan for Visits, scans from high school visits will be separated from college fairs and virtual events. Students with U.S. phone numbers and addresses will be separate from those with addresses or phone numbers from outside the U.S.

  • Filename: StriveScan-Visit-Scans-Export-USA-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxM.csv
  • Filename: StriveScan-Visit-Scans-Export-GLOBAL-YYYYMMDD-HHMMxM.csv

Potential daily batch of files:

StriveScan Automatic Upload - Daily Batch of Files

Matching to Events in Your CRM - Internal Event ID

To further streamline imports, you can match StriveScan fairs and visits to events in your CRM. StriveScan allows you to add an Internal Event ID to each fair or visit your team scans at. For example, you can add a Slate Event GUID or Salesforce Campaign ID so data from a particular StriveScan event can be automatically matched and mapped to your CRM

Upload History

  • View a log of previous SFTP uploads via the Upload History page.
  • Each row of the history will represent one connection and transfer. 
    • Event Name: List of events where the data was obtained.
    • Records Synced: Total number of rows in the batch (cumulative of all of the Events).
    • Date & Time of the transfer
    • Status: Successful or Failure

Manual Exports

Even with Automatic Uploads turned on, Admin and Standard users may continue to use the  Export button in the mobile app or website to manually export. Manual exports are performed by event, so only contain data for a single event.

Watch our StriveScan 201 Training for more details:

StriveScan 201 - Jump to 13:09 - Automatic Uploads

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